
  • Prof. Robert Allen (NYU Abu Dhabi) joins HHB Advisory Board

    Aug. 9, 2014

    HHB is delighted to announce that Robert Allen - Global Distinguished Professor of Economic History at the New York University in Abu Dhabi - is now part of the HHB Advisory Board.

    Former Senior Research Fellow at the Nuffield CollegeOxford University, Prof. Allen’s research aims to understand the process of economic growth. Why are some countries rich and others poor? This research is focused on measuring changes in living standards across Europe and Asia between 1600 and 1900, measuring and explaining productivity growth in English agriculture between 1300 and 1800, understanding the origins of modern technology and research and development in the industrial revolution, and studying the impact of imperialism on Asian economic growth between 1870 and 1940.

    Currently, he is studying the global history of wages and prices, pre-industrial living standards around the world, the economic history of the Middle East, and the causes of global inequality. Professor Allen is also a Fellow of the British Academy and the Royal Society of Canada.

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